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Motorcycle Lowering KIts

Feeling comfortable on a motorcycle is hard when both feet can’t touch the ground. Here at Dennis Kirk, we are all too aware of the issues that tall bikes can present. So, we would like to present a solution: Motorcycle suspension lowering kits. Also called motorcycle lowering links, these handy little aftermarket add-ons have been becoming more and more common among the biker community. These kits do more than just look cool; they also make bikes accessible for shorter riders.

Whatever the cause of your interest in lowering kits may be, we have some tips that you might find useful.

Firstly, lowering your motorcycle does affect handling. For one, your shocks will be more prone to bottoming out. You will also have less ground clearance. It’s not hard to see why; your bike will be sitting lower to the ground! Despite these effects, some people have reported better handling after making the change.

The overall effect that you experience will be largely dependent on how much you lower your bike. We have kits that can lower motorcycles anywhere from 0-4 inches. One point that we would like to make is to not lower the front without also lowering the back. It can have negative effects on steering, which is not something you’d want to mess with! The last thing is to shorten your kickstand. As your bike sits lower, you will find that the kickstand you currently have leaves your bike more vertical than before. This will make it more prone to tipping, which would be an absolute tragedy.

We hope that you found these points useful, and we hope that you enjoy your motorcycle lowering kit. Thank you for shopping at Dennis Kirk!