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UTV Lift Kits

Lift kits are one of the most popular aftermarket additions to UTVs. They combine practicality and aesthetics to bring your UTV to the next level of awesome. When you are up on your lifted UTV, smiling down on the world, you’ll feel like you’re riding on a cloud. Here at Dennis Kirk, we understand the love affair between a man and his lifted UTV. That’s why we have made sure to carry a great variety so that you can choose the perfect lift kit for you and your UTV.

We have lift kits that vary in lift from 1 inch all the way up to 5. So whether your goal is to clear a couple rocks or to need a step stool to climb in your UTV, we have you covered.

The different styles of lift kits might work towards the same goal, but they don’t all do so in the same way. One option would be spring spacers. These are probably the easiest option as far as application. Just take off your shock, compress the spring, and add the spacer! This can all be done in a couple of hours, making it a quick and easy job.

The most popular option, though, are bolt on kits. Bolt on kits change the place that your shocks mount to your UTV, leaving your UTV sitting higher because of it. These are a little more work than spring spacers, but they work really well.

Either of these options can help you prepare for your next move: bigger tires. It’s important to remember that, while these additions are fun, they can jeopardize other parts of your drivetrain. axles are more likely to bind and break when lift kits are added to the equation, so if you are going to go big with your lift, it might be worth investing in parts made to work with lift kits like heavy duty axles. We hope that you enjoy your lift kit, thank you for shopping at Dennis Kirk.