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ATV Windshields

We haven’t actually done the research, but we would guess that 75% of people buying an ATV windshield were prompted by a narrative like this: You’re cruising down your trail, enjoying the breeze on your face… “Smack”. You feel like you’ve been shot by a paintball gun, but that was no paintball gun. That was your forehead making a solid connection with a live junebug at 45 miles per hour. Despite this unfortunate event, you know you’re lucky. After all, it could have been worse, it could have gone in your mouth. Does this sound familiar? If it does, we feel your pain. If it doesn’t, consider yourself lucky; you still have a chance to change your fate.

A windshield does more than just protect you from the odd junebug in your path. It’ll protect you from wind (hence the name WINDshield), and mud, rain, sleet… Anything that might come hurtling over your handlebars will be stopped in its tracks.

When choosing a windshield, the most important factor to consider is height. We’ve actually written a very scientific formula to help you see the correlation between windshield height and bugs. Just do your best to follow along: Higher Windshield = Less bugs to the face. That formula is going to win us a Nobel Prize! If you want to be a bit more specific with your offering, a good rule of thumb is to choose a windshield that you can just see over the top while in the riding position. You shouldn’t be looking through the windshield in your normal riding position.

Another factor worth considering is windshield tint. Tint really just comes down to personal preference. Some people like it, some people don’t. What is best will be entirely up to you.

These windshields are great, but you don’t have to take our word for it. Check out their reviews! Some of your fellow customers have left you with their insight the products they own, it’s worth looking at. And if that doesn’t answer your questions then you can always press the “Ask a Question” button, and our friendly staff will get back to you as quick as they can. Choose between top brands like Powermadd and Moose.

Once you’ve decided on the right windshield for you, place your order and we will get it shipped out today.